Valentines 2015

Valentines 2015

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 3 in the Petri Dish=)

The RE's office just called with the update of the day. It's Day 3 in Petri Dish World and all 13 embryos being grown out to blastocyst stage are still happily living and dividing away=). YAY! Go embies go!! Transfer is still on schedule for Sunday 2/21 (or Monday 2/22).

I am awfully ginormous (or fat if you would like to refer to it that way), and I'm 99% sure the culprit is OHSS. At first I thought I was just swollen after being poked with an enormous needle 50 times, but as the days go by, I'm not getting any smaller, and may even be getting bigger! YIKES! And I'm sore! And a bit nauseous=(. Not exactly what I was hoping for. . . but it could definitely be worse.

None of my work pants fit right now (bummer), so luckily my friend Sheila was gracious enough to lend me her "Bella band" to use so I don't have to button my pants when I go to work. Pregnant ladies use the Bella Band so they can stay in their pre-pregnancy clothes longer. SAD! I'm not even pregnant yet and I look like to Goodyear Blimp! Hehe=). It's all for a good cause though, and will be totally worth it in the end =).

Anyway, the RE's nurse made a note of the OHSS junk, and told me to call if it gets worse. She said generally they don't cancel ET for OHSS unless: 1) Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, 2) Decreased urine output, or 3) Inability to keep down fluids or food (severe nausea, vomiting, and resulting dehydration). SO, for the time being, I'm still good to go!

I've had nasty OHSS before (decreased urine output - had to be hospitalized), so I know what I'm watching for. . . I have my fingers, toes, and legs crossed that it doesn't get to that point! Otherwise we will have to freeze our embies and do a transfer next month instead (which is totally fine by me if that's what we need to do).

As always, I will keep you all updated! Transfer will be here in no time!

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