Valentines 2015

Valentines 2015

Sunday, January 6, 2013

6 months old!

Having a singleton in our household is so very different than having twins.  Or maybe we are so busy now with the twins being 2 and crazy that it seems more difficult having an infant! I'm not sure.  But what I do know is that although we were exhausted with the twins at this point, they were sleeping through the night on a regular basis.  They would take a bottle without question. They liked to try new foods (okay, or they would at least eat real foods). They had a routine.

Hudson does none of these things! 

I'm pretty darn sure I would be a better blogger if Mr. Hudson would start sleeping through the night.  At this point the girls go down for the night, then Hudson gets in the bath and nurses to sleep, then I prep my lunch and clothes for work for the next day and watch the news. 9 times out of 10 Hudson is awake again and wanting to nurse and snuggle by the end up the newscast. Really kiddo?! Then he's up, on average, again at 12:30 AM and 4:30 AM. Oye vey!  I love him to death, and I know that this lasts for such a short period of time, but I'm literally exhausted constantly!  And as it relates to my blog posting, previously 95% of my blog posts were written between 9:30-11:30 PM, so this has taken any blog writing time that I once had and thrown it out the window.  So, my loyal readers, I apologize for the lack of updates. If someone wants to take my youngest child one night a week so I can sleep I promise to update my blog weekly as well  =).

But I digress! Back to the purpose for this post - Hudson is 6 months old - and such a chunkaroosky! Look at these rolls! I LOVE them!
Here are his 6 month stats:
Weight: 23 lbs 11 oz (99.9%)
Height: 27.2 " (78%)
Head Circumference: 17.7" (83%)

He is thriving to say the least!  He is currently in size 4 diapers (I KNOW!!!), and size 12 and 12-18 month clothing.  I have got some of the cutest outfits, and he never even made it into them!

He loves to be outside, so the cold weather has not made him very happy.  Good thing he doesn't mind dressing warmly so he can still stroll around the neighborhood in his stroller!

Okay, well, my nap time blogging time is up! Baby H is awake and trying to squirm out of his swing - Gotta go!

Until next time!


  1. He's a cutie, I hope he starts sleeping for you very soon!

  2. I hope it gets better soon! I really miss your posts but do understand being too tired and not having the time.

  3. There is NOTHING I love more than a fat baby. Oh my goodness - those spectacularly adorable rolls! He is the CUTEST little thing!!! Seriously... you make cute babies!

  4. He's precious, happy half birthday!

  5. I've been wondering how you guys were doing. But I can't blame you for not keeping up with the blog- I don't have time for it and I "only" have twins. I can't believe that chunky monkey is already 6 months old! He's so cute!

  6. Love those rolls! So sweet! Sorry to hear about the lack of sleep. :(

  7. Oh man, I am so sorry about the lack of sleep...I can't imagine having the twins plus one. He is a super cute little guy though!! Hope he starts sleeping soon...I miss your posts :)

  8. Nooo....he CAN'T be 6 months old!!!

    Glad to see you are doing well--even if that means you are doing it differently than you did with the girls ;-)

  9. Oh my gosh that is the BEST chunky baby picture ever! I love it. Do you just constantly want to nibble on his toes?

    Sorry your big guy isn't sleeping through the night yet. I'm not sure I could survive getting up in the middle of the night anymore. When my kids were sick they woke up every night for 3 weeks and I was a zombie. I can't believe I did it for months once upon a time.


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